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one month in-still amazed.


Let me tell you what, there’s a reason why all four of these girls are here.  I hope this email gives you a  glimpse of the world we are living in!

All four girls arrived in Jacksonville 5 weeks ago today.  They spent the first week living with me, and we sure had our fair share of adventures.  About four weeks ago, the girls moved with their first host families.  All three girls went to separate families (with the exception of Aigul, who stayed with me).  These girls have absolutely been loving life.  Beka has loved cooking traditional Kazakh meals and making tea for her hosts, and is now a huge fan of Publix sweet tea. Dana’s adventures have included BBQ outings, golf lessons, and kayaking on the Intracoastal.  Aika has fully embraced American life and loves shopping, Mexican food and watching HGTV.  Needless to say, these girls are loving their time here!

Every Thursday the girls come to my home, and every Monday they go to a rally with their co-workers (The Navigators).  Each week the girls are more and more comfortable and more and more excited.  They truly can’t believe they’ve been given this opportunity.

Every gift given is a drop in the bucket.  Every meal donated, every item of clothing given, every offer to drive, every minute spent…all of these are pictures of the gospel that we are displaying to the girls.  Loving them without expecting anything in return, just as He loves us.  Serving not because they serve you in return, but because God blesses us so we can bless others.  I promise you that these girls see, notice, and appreciate.

Many people ask if there’s anything they can do to help.  Right now, the biggest need is MEALS.  The girls are over at my place on Mondays and Thursdays, and a big blessing to me would be either crock pot meals or meals delivered on those day. If that is something that would be of interest to you, please let me know.  Or you can sign up for a meal slot HERE!

Here’s a video of the girls saying THANK YOU!

Many, many thanks-

Kelly Ray
The Greatest Exchange

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